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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


data(GenericType, Object) - Method in interface
Set event data and a generic java type of event data.
data(Class, Object) - Method in interface
Set event data and java type of event data.
data(Object) - Method in interface
Set event data and java type of event data.
databaseName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition
Name of a database on a server.
DataSourceDefinition - Annotation Interface in jakarta.annotation.sql
Annotation used to define a container DataSource to be registered with JNDI.
DataSourceDefinitions - Annotation Interface in jakarta.annotation.sql
Declares one or more DataSourceDefinition annotations.
date() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.annotation.Generated
Date when the source was generated.
DATE - Static variable in interface
DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom date format globally.
deactivate() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.context.control.RequestContextController
Deactivates the current Request Context if it was activated by this context controller.
declaration() - Method in interface
Returns the declaration of this injection point.
declaration() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.AnnotationInfo
Returns the declaration of this annotation's type.
declaration() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types.ClassType
Returns the declaration of this class type.
declaration() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types.ParameterizedType
Returns the declaration of the generic class that was parameterized with a list of type arguments to form this parameterized type.
DeclarationConfig - Interface in
Allows adding annotations to and removing annotations from a declaration.
DeclarationInfo - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations
A declaration is an element of a program source code.
DeclarationInfo.Kind - Enum Class in jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations
The declaration kind: package, class, method, parameter, field, record component.
DeclareRoles - Annotation Interface in
Used by application to declare security roles.
declaringClass() - Method in interface
Returns the class that declares this bean.
declaringClass() - Method in interface
Returns the class that declares this observer.
declaringClass() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations.FieldInfo
Returns the class that declares this field.
declaringClass() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations.MethodInfo
Returns the class that declares this method.
declaringClass(ClassInfo) - Method in interface
Sets the bean class that "declares" this synthetic observer.
declaringClass(Class<?>) - Method in interface
Sets the bean class that "declares" this synthetic observer.
declaringMethod() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations.ParameterInfo
Returns the method that declares this parameter.
declaringRecord() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations.RecordComponentInfo
Returns the record that declares this component.
decodePointer(String) - Static method in class jakarta.json.Json
Decodes a passed JSON-pointer string as defined by RFC 6901.
Decorated - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject
A decorator may inject metadata about the bean it is decorating
Decorated types - Search tag in package jakarta.decorator
Decorator<T> - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
Represents an enabled decorator.
Decorator - Annotation Interface in jakarta.decorator
Specifies that a class is a decorator.
Default - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject
The default qualifier type.
DEFAULT_CDI_PROVIDER_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.CDIProvider
The default value for CDIProvider.getPriority()
DEFAULT_FORMAT - Static variable in annotation interface jakarta.json.bind.annotation.JsonbDateFormat
Value that indicates the default format.
DEFAULT_KEY_NAME - Static variable in annotation interface jakarta.json.bind.annotation.JsonbTypeInfo
Default type information key name.
DEFAULT_LOCALE - Static variable in annotation interface jakarta.json.bind.annotation.JsonbDateFormat
Value that indicates that default Locale.
DEFAULT_LOCALE - Static variable in annotation interface jakarta.json.bind.annotation.JsonbNumberFormat
Value that indicates that default Locale.
DEFAULT_MAX_AGE - Static variable in class
Specifies that the cookie expires with the current application/browser session.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in interface
Special value for SeBootstrap.Configuration.PORT property indicating that the implementation MUST use its default port.
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.ObserverMethod
The default observer priority
DEFAULT_VERSION - Static variable in class
Cookies using the default version correspond to RFC 2109.
Default.Literal - Class in jakarta.enterprise.inject
Supports inline instantiation of the Default qualifier.
Default Interceptors - Search tag in package jakarta.interceptor
defaultScope() - Method in interface
Returns the default scope defined by this stereotype.
DefaultValue - Annotation Interface in
Defines the default value of request meta-data that is bound using one of the following annotations: PathParam, QueryParam, MatrixParam, CookieParam, FormParam, or HeaderParam.
DefinitionException - Exception Class in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
Thrown when a definition error occurs.
DefinitionException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException
Creates the exception with given detail message.
DefinitionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException
Creates the exception with given detail message and cause.
DefinitionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException
Creates the exception with given cause.
delegate(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator.InjectionPointConfigurator
Change the delegate status of the built InjectionPoint.
Delegate - Annotation Interface in jakarta.decorator
Identifies the delegate injection point of a decorator.
Delegate injection points - Search tag in package jakarta.decorator
delete() - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request asynchronously.
delete() - Method in interface
delete() - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request.
delete() - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request synchronously.
delete(InvocationCallback<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request asynchronously.
delete(GenericType<R>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request.
delete(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request asynchronously.
delete(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface
delete(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request synchronously.
delete(Class<R>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request.
delete(Class<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request asynchronously.
delete(Class<T>) - Method in interface
delete(Class<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request synchronously.
DELETE - Annotation Interface in
Indicates that the annotated method responds to HTTP DELETE requests.
DELETE - Static variable in annotation interface
DenyAll - Annotation Interface in
Specifies that no security roles are allowed to invoke the specified method(s).
Dependent - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.context
Specifies that a bean belongs to the dependent pseudo-scope.
Dependent.Literal - Class in jakarta.enterprise.context
Supports inline instantiation of the Dependent annotation.
DeploymentException - Exception Class in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
Thrown when a deployment problem occurs.
DeploymentException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DeploymentException
Creates the exception with given detail message.
DeploymentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DeploymentException
Creates the exception with given detail message and cause.
DeploymentException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DeploymentException
Creates the exception with given cause.
description() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.annotation.Resource
Description of this resource.
description() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition
Description of this data source
DeserializationContext - Interface in jakarta.json.bind.serializer
Provides JSONB Mapper functionality on top of JSONP parser.
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext, Type) - Method in interface jakarta.json.bind.serializer.JsonbDeserializer
Deserialize JSON stream into object.
deserialize(Class<T>, JsonParser) - Method in interface jakarta.json.bind.serializer.DeserializationContext
Deserialize JSON stream into instance of provided class using JsonParser.
deserialize(Type, JsonParser) - Method in interface jakarta.json.bind.serializer.DeserializationContext
Deserialize JSON stream into instance of provided class using JsonParser.
DESERIALIZERS - Static variable in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom deserializers.
destroy() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.Instance.Handle
Destroy the contextual instance.
destroy(Contextual<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.AlterableContext
Destroy the existing contextual instance.
destroy(T) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.Instance
When called, the container destroys the instance if the active context object for the scope type of the bean supports destroying bean instances.
destroy(T, CreationalContext<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Contextual
Destroy an instance of the contextual type.
Destroyed - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.context
An event with this qualifier is fired when a context is destroyed, i.e.
Destroyed.Literal - Class in jakarta.enterprise.context
Supports inline instantiation of the Destroyed qualifier.
destroyWith(BiConsumer<T, CreationalContext<T>>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator.BeanConfigurator
Set a callback to destroy a bean instance.
DIGEST_AUTH - Static variable in interface
String identifier for Digest authentication.
disableDiscovery() - Method in class
By default, the discovery is enabled.
discoveredProviders - Static variable in class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.CDI
The set of discovered CDIProviders
Discovery - Annotation Interface in
1st phase of build compatible extension execution.
dispose() - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Unmanaged.UnmanagedInstance
Dispose of the instance, doing any necessary cleanup
dispose(T) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Producer
Destroys the instance.
dispose(T, Instance<Object>, Parameters) - Method in interface
Destroys an instance of the synthetic bean.
disposedParameter() - Method in interface
Returns the declaration of the disposed parameter of this disposer method.
disposer() - Method in interface
Returns the disposer method of this producer-based bean.
DisposerInfo - Interface in
Disposer methods may exist for producer-based beans.
disposerMethod() - Method in interface
Returns the declaration of this disposer method.
Disposes - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject
Identifies the disposed parameter of a disposer method.
disposeWith(Class<? extends SyntheticBeanDisposer<T>>) - Method in interface
Sets the class of the synthetic bean destruction function.
disposeWith(BiConsumer<T, Instance<Object>>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator.BeanConfigurator
Set a callback to destroy a bean instance.
disposeWith(Consumer<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator.ProducerConfigurator
Set a callback to destroy the produced instance.
domain(String) - Method in class
Set the domain of the cookie.
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.AnnotationMember.Kind
A primitive double value.
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveKind
The double primitive type
doubleValue() - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonNumber
Returns this JSON number as a double.
during() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.event.Observes
DynamicFeature - Interface in
A JAX-RS meta-provider for dynamic registration of post-matching providers during a JAX-RS application setup at deployment time.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form